A series of events under the international project of ‘Adaptive learning environment for competence in economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate (ECOIMPACT)’, 561975-EPP-1-2015-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, took place at the Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Bulgaria, on 9 – 16 October 2017.
On 9-10 October, the EACEA feedback on Intermediate Report, the progress in Work Packages (WP2-WP8), implementation (testing) of the developed ECOIMPACT courses at consortium institutions and the work plan for the next period were discussed at the Steering Group meeting.
A training on Personal Learning Environment was held on 10-16 October 2017 and included lectures on methods for development of teaching materials to individualize the educational process, a cycle of laboratory works on application of the Arduino hardware platform, connecting of devices to the application for the PC, the local server, the IoT cloud of a personal learning system and external cloud services, as well as compilation and defense of a mini-project for assembling of a weather station and connecting it to a computer application, a local server and a cloud.
During the training, teachers from partner HEIs developed and improved the educational materials on the project courses, drafted the relevant laboratory works on the Arduino platform, acquired the skills of working with the Arduino platform, and made the summaries of classes for implementation of the work in the personal learning environment.